Does your company need to register a trademark or a service mark with the US Patent & Trademark Office.  Registering a mark with the USPTO protects the mark in all fifty states.

A trademark is a word, phrase, image or logo that identifies a product. The word “Apple” is a trademark that identifies smart phones an computers made by Apple.

A service mark is a word, phrase, image or logo that identifies a service. An example of a service mark is “Bank of America,” which is a phrase that identifies banking services provided by Bank of America.

The reason people register marks with the USPTO is because they want to protect the mark in all fifty states. Marks can be valuable types of intellectual properties, but without registration common law trademark rights prevent infringement only in the area where the mark owner uses the mark.

If you need to prepare an application to register a federal trademark call trademark and patent attorney Thomas W. Galvani at 602-281-6481 or email him at [email protected].  Tell Tom I recommended him to you.  See Tom’s website.

Richard Keyt