If your LLC is owned by a trust and you want to obtain a trade name (aka dba) from the Arizona Secretary of State and you want to keep the trustee’s name off the records of the Arizona Secretary of State then follow the instructions below:

If your LLC is owned by your trust and you want to get a trade name aka dba from the Arizona Secretary of State then when you apply for a trade name online you must upload a letter of authorization signed by the trustee of the trust. The trade name application requires a verification letter stating that the signer signing on behalf of the LLC is an authorized manager, officer or member authorized to sign the application.

The person who completes the online application must upload an authorization letter to the Arizona Secretary after completing the following steps:

  1. Prepare a letter to be signed by the trustee of the trust that owns the LLC that states who has the authority to apply for the trade name.
  2. Copy and paste my letter to the Arizona Secretary of State into your word processor.
  3. Edit my letter to make it work for your LLC and desired trade name.
  4. Sign the letter and make it an Adobe pdf file.
  5. Have somebody other than the trustee of the trust enter the information on the ASS’s trade name online application.
  6. Upload the signed letter to the Arizona Secretary of State’s website when you get to the page titled “Trade Name Application.” 

Copy, Paste & Edit the Form Below to Make an Authorization Letter

Copy the entire text below and paste it into your word processor.  Edit the text to insert the information about your LLC and trust.  Name a person who will do the ASS’s online trade name application.  Have the trustee sign the edited letter.  Make an Adobe pdf of the signed letter.  Upload the signed letter per item 6 above.

<street address of llc>
<llc’s city>, Arizona <llc’s zip code>

To: Arizona Secretary of State

Re: <llc name>, LLC’s Application for a Trade Name for <trade name>

To Whom It May Concern:

<llc name>, LLC, is applying for the trade name <trade name>. The member and manager of <llc name>, LLC, is the <trust name> Trust. The trustee of the < trust name> Trust is <name of trustee>. The date of the trust agreement is <trust agreement date>. A copy of the trust agreement is attached as Exhibit A.

<name of person who will submit the ASS’s online application> is authorized by  <name of trustee> as the trustee of the < trust name> Trust, the manager of <llc name>, LLC, to sign the application for the trade name <trade name> as an officer of <llc name>.

<llc name>, LLC, an Arizona limited liability company

By: ____________________________
<name of trustee> as trustee of the < trust name> Trust under agreement dated <trust agreement date>